The Science of Aging & Longevity, unlocked.

Ageless is an at-home longevity service that will help you live longer, be healthier, fix any health concerns, and optimize your performance.

Join members hailing from top institutions including:
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Cash is king but health is wealth.

Get started with a comprehensive head-to-toe wellness assessment from clinicians that understand startup life. Test your body across hundreds of biomarkers – covering everything from hormones to genetics, nutrients, and environmental toxins.

Learn your biological (epigenetic) age, identify risk factors for disease, detect things early, and address the root cause of any health concerns.

We'll make sure you're functioning at a high level, have no concerning health trends, and uncover exactly what your mind and body need to thrive.

Everything you've wanted in a health program.

We believe healthcare should be more proactive than reactive. We're founders too.
So we created the health practice that we'd want to work with.

Comprehensive Testing
We use state-of-the-art diagnostic tests to gather a complete view of what’s happening inside your body.
Tech & Wearables
We gift you wearables and at-home tech (think Whoop, CGMs, air & water filters etc) to ensure you're on track and performing optimally.
Nutrition & Supplements
Food is code. Every molecule you consume is either working for you or against you. We'll help you add to your programming to give you more strength & energy.
Fitness & Recovery
We sift through the noise and tailor a fitness & recovery protocol that is uniquely suited to your schedule.
Sleep Hygiene
5x CrossFit champion Matt Fraser says if sleep wasn't natural it would be a banned substance. We setup your environment to ensure you get both.
Coaching & Accountability
Ongoing coaching to help you refine and tailor your game plan. Accountability check in's to help you achieve more than you think.
How It Works
Zero fluff. Zero wasted time. Just results.
Complete testing
We start by collecting your data with comprehensive at-home bloodwork, saliva, and stool tests to create complete picture of you and discover the truth about where you stand with your health.
Your data reveals precisely where your health needs improvement and what's already optimized. We translate your data in plain English so you understand what it means, why it matters, & how to make it actionable.
implement protocol
We make it as easy as possible sending you your custom supplements & tools that will help you put your plan into action to make changes that will directly impact your health & longevity.
iterate & grow
We craft a personalized plan that evolves with you. Retest every ~6 months to track your progress and see what to work on next. We’re with you every step of the way to ensure you actually stick to the plan.
Age is just a number.
And it’s a number you can change.
See for yourself
Join waitlist
I want to understand how my diet and lifestyle are affecting my health so that I can live longer and performer better.
Stress Management
I’ve tried it all from weight watchers to personal trainers, sometimes I see temporary results but then I’m right back where I started. Ageless told me exactly what to do to keep it off.
Gut Health
What gets measured gets managed right? When it comes to my body I measure it all. Ageless gives me more data and another opinion to help me make better decisions.
Gut health
I’ve spent a ton of money on my health & wellness to improve my health span. Ageless gives me the personalized experience I was looking for.
Blood Glucose
I’ve seen my father struggle with chronic diseases. Once I hit 35 I decided to start my health journey to avoid suffering the same fate as those that have come before me.
I’m always in the hunt for the latest and greatest in health tech and decided to take biohacking seriously. Ageless makes it’s easy.
I don’t trust advice from most doctors and Ageless helps me make more informed decisions.
I’ve struggled with weight my whole life and have become more conscious of my health as I age. Ageless puts my health on autopilot.
General Wellness
Stress Management
Learn how to turn back the aging clock & live a longer healthier life.

LeBron spends 1.5M/yr on his body and entrepreneurs are starting to do the same.

This makes sense since entrepreneurs are basically like high performance athletes. We don’t perform on the basketball court or in the octagon, but where we do perform is with our decision making. We should be approaching our lives like athletes. We should have our diet, sleep, exercise, and recovery designed specifically for each of us so that we can make the best decisions. Ageless does all that for you — and its made for people who can't focus on their health as a full-time job.

We 'clean your tank'

How would you treat a sick fish? For most chronic and metabolic diseases, we need to focus more on cleaning the tank. Humans are a reflection of their environment. When your environment is sick, humans in that environment get sick. We take a ‘clean your tank’ functional medicine approach to reclaiming your health.

Address the root cause of any concerns
As we grow older, most of us begin developing minor symptoms and silent signs of chronic disease. We ask why the symptoms are there and find the underlying causes. Often, these ailments are a result of poor lifestyle choices. But they can also be related to genetic and environmental factors.
Advice that fits your schedule
Time is your most precious resource; completely overhauling one's lifestyle isn't feasible. Sometimes, a mere 20 minutes is all we get. We slightly tweak your existing routine, ensuring health recommendations meld effortlessly into your daily life, rather than cause upheaval.
3 panel advice
Everything you need to transform your health and longevity, fast
gET started
No commitment required.
$500/mo. Pause or cancel any time.
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Take control with data
Unlock the power of your body’s data. Knowledge is power and with the right data, we can make informed choices for our well-being
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Hit goals, not walls
Progress doesn't happen by chance — it's measured, managed, and earned. Get equipped with concrete data about your health risks & action items to reduce them
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Eliminate guesswork
Remove the guesswork from your wellness plan. Get a full understanding of your health & an easy-to-follow health protocol to improve it
Tech is taking health seriously

Bezos is as yoked as his bank account. Zuck is crushing crossfit workouts and training with pro MMA fighters. Even Elon is on semaglutide and starting to work out.

The tech world has long been obsessed with biohacking and treating the human body like a machine that can be optimized. Recent research has unlocked our understanding of how people age. But longevity focused care has been inaccessible to most.

It is time for a new age.

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tech is getting serious, tech CEOs
Hey everyone 👋

Starting a startup often means pushing your health to the back burner. In the race to success, it's easy to think that you'll deal with your health when your startup succeeds.

But success turns out to be a moving goal post. From raising the next round, to navigating an internal issue, to achieving the next milestone. It’s never ending. Your health is perpetually sidelined.

I know this because this was me just a few years ago. Weight gain, heart palpitations, and a diet of convenience became my normal. I spent my whole life in the pursuit of wealth until nothing but my health mattered. I suffered a heart attack due to years of chronic stress and poor life hygiene as a startup founder.

Ironically, a healthier version of me likely would have steered my company down a more successful path.

Entrepreneurs shouldn't need to choose between their health or the pursuit of their dream. Ageless makes this choice obsolete since optimal health and wellness should be a normal part of being human.

If we reflect back to the early days of Uber, it was truly a magical experience. You pressed a button on your phone, and magically a car appeared and took you to your destination. At arrival, you just got out without having to worry about payment. It just happened.

Health should be the same way. We shouldn't even know it exists — it's just magic. Somehow, in the water we drink, in the food we eat, in the habits we have and in our surrounding environment, we just maintain perfect health. This should become the default and you quickly forget that you ever had to strive for optimal health and wellness.

At Ageless, we want to bring that default magical experience to you.

Prolong your lifespan, improve your daily performance, and reclaim your hijacked biology.

Become Ageless™

Skylor James sign
Great questions, important answers. If you have other questions please send us a message.
Can I expense this to my company?
How long does it take to start seeing improvements? What support will I get?
I haven't been focused on my health, I'm busy and travel often. Is it possible to do this from home?
Where is this available nationwide and internationally?
How much does it cost and what will it cover?
What kind of advice do you provide and what is the efficacy of the recommendations?
Do you accept insurance? Or my HSA/FSA account?
Are you regulated by the FDA?
Ready to join?
You’re a click away from reclaiming your hijacked biology and unleashing a better version of yourself.
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