Our Story
Our mission is youth extension. We're working to add a million years of healthy life to our customers.

Ageless is rethinking medicine to help you live better for longer. Get a strategic, science-backed approach to extending Lifespan and improving Healthspan.

We're a longevity-focused health optimization practice that will help you feel better, look better, fix any health concerns, and add years to your life. We strive to make it affordable for everyone who has distrust in the traditional healthcare system and wants to take agency over their health.

For our founder, Skylor, the mission of youth extension is a personal one after suffering a heart attack from years of poor life hygiene as a startup founder. He wanted to understand why his health declined so rapidly and what, if anything, could have lead to a different outcome.

We believe:

The US health system is a sham and will bankrupt the US in the 2050s (currently 20% of GDP).

Our western diet will be looked upon similarly to smoking.

And that we're fighting an invisible health war that is hijacking our biology.
Healthcare not sickcare
Healthcare should be more proactive than reactive. To fix healthcare, we need to spend less on pharmaceuticals and more on food, supplements, and lifestyle interventions that heal and keep people healthy.
150 minutes of exercise each week is more effective than SSRIs in lowering depression.
Lack of sleep is now labeled as a carcinogen.
Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune issues.
Humans are a reflection of their environment. When your environment is sick, humans in that environment get sick. I.e. poor oral health is increasingly linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
Ageless is changing the way we age.

Think less about aging, and more about living.
The truth: everybody ages. Aging is a primary risk factor for many of the common diseases and conditions that cause most deaths, including cancer, dementia and cardiovascular disease.

The reality: we’ve been focused on the wrong things. Today’s healthcare system attempts to treat things “whack-a-mole” style, instead of addressing the root cause.

The good news: ~90% of aging is non-genetic. Research shows that less than 10% of how you age is determined by your genetics, which are pre-set at birth. Meaning ~90% of how you age is due to lifestyle and environment.

The future of aging: is Ageless. Through science-backed tools and resources that help slow down the effects of aging and unlock deeper health, Ageless is your health ally who is with you on every step of your journey to a healthier you.
9 of the top 10 largest killers are directly tied to food and other lifestyle factors.
To address the metabolic and chronic conditions that ~90% of Americans face or are at risk for, we need to start viewing food, exercise, sleep, and other healthy practices as forms of medicine. Functional medicine. There are thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show exercise and healthy food helps reverse and prevent virtually every chronic condition - ranging from diabetes to infertility, depression and obesity.

Often, food and dietary interventions are better than pharmaceuticals or medical procedures.

You can measure longevity two ways. The traditional way: simply how long you live. Which is your lifespan. And you can measure it by healthspan: how long you live healthy — free of disease. Its time to focus on your healthspan.

Why? Well because a healthy man wants 1000 things, while a sick man just wants one.

For example, if someone offered you $5 million with the only catch being that you’d have a pretty bad cold for the rest of your life, would you take it? Definite no for most people which really highlights how much more important health is than everything else.

The U.S. spent $4 Trillion on healthcare in 2022. It’s the single largest line item making up 20% of GDP – and growing. We spend more on healthcare than the total annual expenses of every other country on earth, except China.

And it gets worse. Our return on $4 trillion results in worse health outcomes. We are among the highest in death rates for treatable conditions. We have the highest rate of people with multiple metabolic and chronic conditions. One in five Americans hasn’t seen a doctor in 5 years or more, we’re obese, overly stressed, suffer with our mental health, our water is toxic, our food is coated in glyphosate, there’s PFAs in nearly everything, and Big Pharma has funded it all to sell you legal drugs that don’t tackle the root cause of the issue.

Healthcare has misaligned incentives from patient, payor, and provider. Insurers typically pay a certain amount for various treatments on a fee-for-service model so providers are incentivized to perform as many services as possible. The system ends up spending most of the money when it’s too late – when people have already gotten chronic conditions or have ended up in the hospital.

This has become a national crisis. We need to fix the complacency with the current state of healthcare — the health of our country literally depends on it.

Poor engagement, which is caused by poor consumer experience, is one of the biggest problems in healthcare. UnitedHealth Group, is the largest healthcare company in the world and has an NPS of 4 – out of 100. Only 40 to 50% of patients who are prescribed medications for management of chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension adhere to their medication, causing 100,000 annual deaths and $100 billion in preventable medical costs each year. Existing players are corrupt – and at best negligent in missing the opportunity that could come from building a better experience for consumers that would engage them in their care.

By re-thinking healthcare from first principles, we can break free from the traditional reactive model and develop a proactive approach that addresses the root causes of illness, metabolic and chronic conditions.

95% of all medical spend comes after someone is already sick.

Be proactive. Be Ageless.
People are starting to take more agency over their health. Instead of waiting to get sick, people are starting to use Ageless to reclaim their hijacked biology.

We’ll give you insights into your body's current rate of aging based on your lifestyle and environment. It’s time to expect more out of your life — and your life expectancy. Ageless delivers advanced health diagnostics to your doorstep and empowers you to live a longer, healthier life. Knowing your Ageless™ is empowering, as we can help you make important lifestyle shifts around sleep, diet, exercise, stress, and community to change the way you age.
Human 2.0 is coming.

Artificial super intelligence is right around the corner. It will be the most extraordinary moment in the history of our galaxy. Now more than ever, we need to aim for human 2.0.

But starting a startup often means pushing your health to the back burner. In the race to success, it's easy to think that you'll deal with your health when your startup succeeds.

Success turns out to be a moving goal post. From raising the next round, to navigating an internal issue, to achieving the next milestone. It’s never ending. Your health is perpetually sidelined.

I know this because this was me just a few years ago. Weight gain, heart palpitations, and a diet of convenience became my normal. I spent my whole life in the pursuit of wealth until nothing but my health mattered. I suffered a heart attack due to years of chronic stress and poor life hygiene as a startup founder.

Many chronic conditions we associate with aging take root in our younger years, silently eroding our well-being over time. Dr. Peter Attia dives deep into this subject in his must-read book Outlive. Echoing his insights, my lifestyle had unintentionally rolled out the red carpet for the “Four Horsemen” that kill over 80% of people who don't smoke: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Ironically, a healthier version of me likely would have steered my company down a more successful path.

This realization is the driving force behind Ageless. Entrepreneurs shouldn't need to choose between their health or the pursuit of their dream. Ageless makes this choice obsolete since optimal health and wellness should be a normal part of being human.

If we reflect back to the early days of Uber, it was truly a magical experience. You pressed a button on your phone, and magically a car appeared and took you to your destination. At arrival, you just got out without having to worry about payment. It just happened.

Health should be the same way. We shouldn't even know it exists — it's just magic. Somehow, in the water we drink, in the food we eat, in the habits we have and in our surrounding environment, we just maintain perfect health. This should become the default and you quickly forget that you ever had to strive for optimal health and wellness.

At Ageless, we want to bring that default magical experience to you.

We understand the unique pressures founders face. Our mission is to improve your daily performance and to get you on the path of pursuing longevity – all while keeping in mind the energy, time, and cognitive load your startup demands of you. Here’s our approach:

1. Data, Not Fluff: In our startups, we live by our numbers. Why should our health be any different? If we can obsess over analytics for our products, we can and should, do the same for our health. Your data reveals precisely where your health needs improvement and what's already optimized.

2. Eliminate Guesswork: If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there. We guide you through the comprehensive testing needed to understand your current health, explain your results in plain english and answer any of your questions, and craft you an easy to follow health protocol.

3. Advice That Fits Your Schedule: Time is your most precious resource; completely overhauling one's lifestyle isn't feasible. Sometimes, a mere 20 minutes is all we get. We slightly tweak your existing routine, ensuring health recommendations meld effortlessly into your daily life, rather than cause upheaval.

4. Genuine Obsession: We are so focused on delivering you a Bryan Chesky esque 10 star experience that we would rather lose money than see you leave having had a poor experience. We are obsessed with the world of startups, technology, and business in general and genuinely care about our small role in helping you accomplish your dreams. If we believe there's something you need to get to the next level, we will do everything we can to get you there. We see ourselves as your health partner and ensure you remain on the right path.

Prolong your lifespan, improve your daily performance, and reclaim your hijacked biology.

Become Ageless™

James Skylor signature
Speed matters
Speed matters, it's important to do things fast to a high standard.
Small teams win
Smaller teams are better and more productive. Most tech companies are 2-5x overstaffed.
Customer obsession
The customer comes first at all times. Hold yourself to high standards that will make customers want to come back over and over and have a great experience.
Competitive spirit
Be at your best when your best is needed. You enjoy a challenge and rise to the occasion. You have competitive greatness, you love winning, and hate losing.
Ambitious Character
If you're an ambitious person you need to work. Its almost like a medical condition. What you do with that ambition matters, you don't want to spend your life selling sugar water. Be the type of person that people are always proud to associate with.
Sincere candor
Similar to Ray Dalio's radical candor, nothing great can built without feedback; whether internally or externally.
Understand leverage
Sales and distribution is just as important as product. The world should know who you are and what you do / how you help people.
Take ownership
Think of yourself as an owner - because you are. Every action you take reflects on the company in some way. Act as an owner and avoid taking the easy road.

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We love what we do. We work our asses off, remotely.
We practice what we preach. And we never skip dessert.

Only the best apply:
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You’re a click away from reclaiming your hijacked biology and unleashing a better version of yourself.
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